Steam Distillation

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Steam Distillation icon.png Steam Distillation
"Allows the distillation of fluids"
Skill(s) required:
Proficiencies required:
3750 Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts
5250 Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy
Skills Unlocked:
Crafts Unlocked:
Builds Unlocked:
Others Unlocked:

In-Game Text

All fluids are water modified by a certain admixture, the nature of which determines their flavour."

– Aristotle, Meteorlogy 350 B.C.

The steam distiller sometimes lets off a sweet aroma, other times a pungent one. Either way, each drop it produces is as good as liquid gold to a capable alchemist.


An Alchemy Table icon.png Alchemy Table has 5 slots where you can place a Steam Distiller icon.png Steam Distiller and is used to extract liquids. Make sure to place a Glass Vial icon.png Glass Vial inside your Steam Distiller to catch the liquid.


Item Time Liquid By-Product
Blackberries icon.png Blackberries 1 hour .01L Berry Juice icon.png Berry Juice Dehydrated Blackberry icon.png Dehydrated Blackberry
Cranberry icon.png Cranberry 1 hour .01L Berry Juice icon.png Berry Juice Dehydrated Cranberry icon.png Dehydrated Cranberry
Crowberry Stalk icon.png Crowberry Stalk 1 hour .01L Berry Juice icon.png Berry Juice Dehydrated Crowberry icon.png Dehydrated Crowberry
Huckleberries icon.png Huckleberries 1 hour .01L Berry Juice icon.png Berry Juice Dehydrated Huckleberry icon.png Dehydrated Huckleberry
Red Rose icon.png Red Rose 4 hours .1L of Otto of Rose icon.png Otto of Rose Dehydrated Rose icon.png Dehydrated Rose
Caution: Dehydratable items will eventually disappear if not removed from the Steam Distiller.