Difference between revisions of "Lumberjack Frikadel"

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(It takes 9 ticks to eat.)
Line 3: Line 3:
| Heals=9.5,9.5,9.5,9.5
| Salt=9,0,0,0
| GluttonMin=14,0,0,8
| Mercury=7.5,8,0,0
| GluttonMax=26.1,0,0,17.1
| Sulphur=0,0,0,9
| FullAndFedUp=81
| Lead=4,6.5,0,0
| Uses=3
| eatingTime=9
| ReduceBerries=
| BerriesChance=
| ReduceBread=
| BreadChance=
| ReduceCandy=
| CandyChance=
| ReduceCabbages=
| CabbagesChance=
| ReduceCereal=
| CerealChance=
| ReduceCookies=
| CookiesChance=
| ReduceCrustacea=
| CrustaceaChance=
| ReduceFish=25
| FishChance=20
| ReduceFood=
| FoodChance=
| ReduceForage=
| ForageChance=
| ReduceFlower=
| FlowerChance=
| ReduceGame=
| GameChance=
| ReduceMeat=35
| MeatChance=85
| ReduceMushrooms=
| MushroomsChance=
| ReduceNuts=
| NutsChance=
| ReduceOffal=
| OffalChance=
| ReducePies=25
| PiesChance=10
| ReducePoultry=25
| PoultryChance=20
| ReducePumpkin=
| PumpkinChance=
| ReduceSeafood=
| SeafoodChance=
| ReduceSlugs=
| SlugsChance=
| ReduceVegetables=
| VegetablesChance=
| Ingredient1=
| Ingredient2=

Revision as of 03:17, 15 March 2014

Lumberjack Frikadel icon.png Lumberjack Frikadel
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: unknown
Required by: Objects
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Heal: 9.5 9.5 9.5 9.5
Heal Uses: 3
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Gluttony Min: {{{Min Blood}}}"{{{Min Blood}}}" is not a number. {{{Min Phlegm}}}"{{{Min Phlegm}}}" is not a number. {{{Min Yellow Bile}}}"{{{Min Yellow Bile}}}" is not a number. {{{Min Black Bile}}}"{{{Min Black Bile}}}" is not a number.
Gluttony Max: {{{Max Blood}}}"{{{Max Blood}}}" is not a number. {{{Max Phlegm}}}"{{{Max Phlegm}}}" is not a number. {{{Max Yellow Bile}}}"{{{Max Yellow Bile}}}" is not a number. {{{Max Black Bile}}}"{{{Max Black Bile}}}" is not a number.
Full and Fed Up for: {{{Gluttony Time}}}
Food Group: None