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Revision as of 04:02, 10 January 2020 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Leech icon.png Leech
Where found:
Weight: 0.10
Required by: Objects


When placed on the Chest slot a Leech icon.png Leech will periodically drain small amounts of Blood. Each time a Leech drains Blood their is a chance it will cure the Disease icon.png Disease Frontier Flux. For advanced cases of the Disease you may need drain a significant amount of Blood. As a Leech consume more Blood they will also get bigger. Right-clicking an engorged Leech icon.png Leech and selecting "Drain" will give you .1 liters of Blood of Pilgrim icon.png Blood of Pilgrim. An empty Vessel, or one already containing Blood of Pilgrim must be in your inventory when Draining a Leech, otherwise the Blood will be lost. This will destroy the Leech.


Disease Imbalance Symptom Description Cure
Big Pox An imbalance of Yellow Bile, characterized by Coughing. Pilgrims flinch and make a distinct coughing sound when symptom strikes. Drinking Willowbark Tonic icon.png Willowbark Tonic
Frontier Flux An imbalance of Phlegm, characterized by Vomiting. Pilgrims flinch and make a distinct puking sound when symptom strikes. Columbine Paste icon.png Columbine Paste
Land Legs An imbalance of Black Bile, characterized by Dizziness. Pilgrims flinch without making a sound when symptom strikes. Sniffing Smelling Salts icon.png Smelling Salts
Maroon Fever An imbalance of Blood, characterized by a Headache. Pilgrims flinch and make a moaning sound when symptom strikes. Applying a Leech icon.png Leech to the Torso and letting it drain Blood.
Caution! Using the wrong cure in an attempt to cure a Diseases makes it harder for for the correct cure to work.