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Revision as of 22:00, 4 December 2019 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Leech icon.png Leech
Where found:
Weight: .10kg
Required by: Objects


When placed on the Chest slot a Leech icon.png Leech will periodically drain small amounts of Blood. Each time a Leech drains Blood their is a chance it will cure the Disease icon.png Disease Frontier Flux. For advanced cases of the Disease you may need drain a significant amount of Blood. As a Leech consume more Blood they will also get bigger. Once a Leech becomes bloated it can be drained to obtain Blood of Pilgrim icon.png Blood of Pilgrim as long as you have an empty Vessel such as a Bucket icon.png Bucket in your inventory. Draining a Leech will destroy it.


Disease Imbalance Symptom Description Cure
Big Pox An imbalance of Yellow Bile, characterized by Coughing. Pilgrims flinch and make a distinct coughing sound when symptom strikes. Drinking Willowbark Tonic icon.png Willowbark Tonic
Frontier Flux An imbalance of Phlegm, characterized by Vomiting. Pilgrims flinch and make a distinct puking sound when symptom strikes. Columbine Paste icon.png Columbine Paste
Land Legs An imbalance of Black Bile, characterized by Dizziness. Pilgrims flinch without making a sound when symptom strikes. Sniffing Smelling Salts icon.png Smelling Salts
Maroon Fever An imbalance of Blood, characterized by a Headache. Pilgrims flinch and make a moaning sound when symptom strikes. Applying a Leech icon.png Leech to the Torso and letting it drain Blood.
Caution! Using the wrong cure in an attempt to cure a Diseases makes it harder for for the correct cure to work.