Milkweed Jute

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Revision as of 08:05, 8 December 2019 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Milkweed Jute icon.png Milkweed Jute
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: unknown
Required by: Objects


Putting Milkweed Roots icon.png Milkweed Roots into a Lit Fireplace icon.png Fireplace or Meatsmoker icon.png Meatsmoker will turn the Milkweed Roots into Charred Milkweed Fibre icon.png Charred Milkweed Fibre. Charred Milkweed Fibre can then be Cleaned to get Milkweed Jute icon.png Milkweed Jute by selecting it from your inventory and right-clicking it on The Shallows icon.png The Shallows, or selecting a Vessel filled with at least 1 liter of Potable Water icon.png Potable Water from your inventory and right-clicking on the Charred Milkweed Fibre icon.png Charred Milkweed Fibre you want Cleaned. This will consume the 1 liter of Potable Water. Milkweed Jute counts as a Fibre icon.png Fibre in recipes.

When washing Charred Milkweed Fibre, there is a chance of producing a Precious Soot-Flake icon.png Precious Soot-Flake.