Hunting Knife

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Revision as of 19:50, 23 November 2019 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Hunting Knife icon.png Hunting Knife
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: unknown
Required by: Objects
Alternative Acquisition:
Object(s) Required:


A Hunting Knife icon.png Hunting Knife can be obtained by chance from the Store bought Mystery Tool Box icon.png Mystery Tool Box, or received with certainty from the Store bought Hunter's Pack icon.png Hunter's Pack.

A Hunting Knives increases the speed at which you Butcher or Skin dead animals, even faster than a Butcher Knife icon.png Butcher Knife can do. The Purity of your Butcher Knife will transfer directly to the Meat. The Butcher Knife will take on the Purity of the Bar of Pig Iron icon.png Bar of Pig Iron used to make the Knife Blade icon.png Knife Blade.

Each time the Hunting Knife is used it will take wear. At 100% wear the Knife will break and you will get a Hunting Knife Hilt icon.png Hunting Knife Hilt which can be used to make another Hunting Knife.

A Hunting Knife be carried in either a Journeyman Toolbelt icon.png Journeyman Toolbelt, Novice Toolbelt icon.png Novice Toolbelt, or the Master Toolbelt icon.png Master Toolbelt, additionally it can be stored in a Wooden Toolbox icon.png Wooden Toolbox.

Can be hung on a wall.