Giant Willow Aphid

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Revision as of 08:22, 11 September 2019 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Giant Willow Aphid icon.png Giant Willow Aphid
Where found:
Weight: 0.03kg
Required by: Objects
Proficiencie(s) gained:
2500 Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts
4250 Stocks & Cultivars icon.png Stocks & Cultivars
2500 Sugar & Spice icon.png Sugar & Spice
Inspiration Required: 9250
Uses: 7
Inspiration Efficiency:
0.2703 Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts
0.4595 Stocks & Cultivars icon.png Stocks & Cultivars
0.2703 Sugar & Spice icon.png Sugar & Spice

Flavor Text

Bulbous body aglow after a morning's feast.


A Giant Willow Aphid icon.png Giant Willow Aphid is received rarely when Foraging other items on Greenwood icon.png Greenwood tiles. Older players may be interested in Buying this item from you.

A Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot can't be Destroyed by normal means, but requires the use of a Pest such as a Beetle icon.png Beetle, Giant Willow Aphid icon.png Giant Willow Aphid, or Slim Stickbug icon.png Slim Stickbug. To Destroy a Gardening Pot select a Beetle from your inventory and right-click on the Gardening Pot. You will need enough to first lower the Gardening Pot's Purity to 0, after than each Pest added will begin to deal damage.