Wild Turkey Thigh

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Revision as of 08:32, 11 February 2022 by Pistolshrimp (talk | contribs)
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Wild Turkey Thigh icon.png Wild Turkey Thigh
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.17
Required by: Objects
Alternative Acquisition:
Object(s) Required:
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Heal: 7 17.5 7 7
Heal Uses: 1
Blood Phlegm Yellow Black
Gluttony Min: 0 0 0 7
Gluttony Max: 0 0 0 9
Full and Fed Up for: 0:06
Food Groups: Poultry icon.pngPoultry


2x Wild Turkey Thigh icon.png Wild Turkey Thighs are received when Cutting Up a Stuffed Wild Turkey icon.png Stuffed Wild Turkey. Additionally a Wild Turkey Thigh can be obtained by baking a Raw Turkey Thigh icon.png Raw Turkey Thigh in Any Stove icon.png Any Stove.