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Revision as of 22:29, 23 December 2019 by Koa (talk | contribs) (changed a word)
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Rat icon.png Rat
Where found:
Skill required: Small Game Hunting
Blood (health): unknown
Liftable or Inventory?: Inventory
Item(s) gained:
NOTE: Items and quantities depend upon skills known.
Item(s) gained:


A Rat icon.png Rat is an aggressive Darkness icon.png Darkness Creature which will frequently attack on sight. If a Rat attacks you other Rats nearby will attack you as well. If you are bit by a Rat you will become Disease icon.png Diseased, each subsequent bite increase the Disease's severity. It is rumored that Witches will not be attacked by Rats and may move among them freely.

NOTE: Rats will sink if killed over Shallow Water.


NOTE: Artifacts which add Blunt Power, Common Combat Power, Impact Power, and Piercing Power will help make certain Attack move more successful. Artifacts with Feral Defense will lower the Blood damage you take from an animal's attack.

Because a Rat bite will cause you to become Disease icon.png Diseased, you typically want to kill it quickly to avoid getting bit. The safest way is aggro it with a Shot from a Slingshot icon.png Slingshot, then use a Stomp icon.png Stomp to kill it. Because Stomp has an Area of Effect around you, it can be used for fighting several Rats at once.


A Rat, once killed, can be picked up and stored in your Inventory as a Dead Rat icon.png Dead Rat.

Butchering a Dead Rat will yeild: