Unleavened Ryebread Dough

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Revision as of 07:07, 3 December 2019 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Unleavened Ryebread Dough icon.png Unleavened Ryebread Dough
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: unknown
Required by: Objects

Baking Bread and Tarts

  1. Using a Baking Table icon.png Baking Table, craft the desired Dough. When preparing Foods at a Baking Table there is a chance to receive a Eloped Gingerbread Man icon.png Eloped Gingerbread Man.
  2. Open the Baking Table and insert the Dough and wait. This will allow Bread Dough to Leaven. Note: Right-clicking on any Leavened Dough and selecting Split will split the Dough into 8x Sourdough Starter icon.png Sourdough Starters for use in other recipes.
  3. Leavened Dough can now be placed in a lit Bread Oven icon.png Bread Oven to Bake. When Baking Foods in a Bread Oven there is a chance for them to become Animal Crackers icon.png Animal Crackers instead.

NOTE: Rolling Dough on a Baking Table icon.png Baking Table removes a small amount of Insanity.