Egg Basket

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Revision as of 03:42, 26 March 2020 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Egg Basket icon.png Egg Basket
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 1.00
Required by: Objects
Equipment Slot: Head
Artificer Slots: 0
Inventory Slots: None
Thermal: 0


An Egg Basket icon.png Egg Basket is a Specialty Bag which can hold 49x of Any Poultry Egg icon.png Any Poultry Egg. An Egg Basket can be stored inside a Wardrobe icon.png Wardrobe.

An Egg Basket also be worn on your Head as a Hat.

CAUTION: As an Egg Basket counts a Clothing when crafting Rags icon.png Rags make sure the correct item is selected.

Specialty Bags

Sack Stores Amount
Bark Binder icon.png Bark Binder Trade Order icon.png Trade Orders 40
Boomstick Duffle Bag icon.png Boomstick Duffle Bag Boomstick icon.png Boomsticks 200
Candy Basket icon.png Candy Basket Candies icon.png Candies 49
Egg Basket icon.png Egg Basket Any Poultry Egg icon.png Any Poultry Egg 49
Gem Box icon.png Gem Box Gems 100
Nail Box icon.png Nail Box Nails icon.png Nails 100
Physician's Bag icon.png Physician's Bag Medical Supplies 49
Unknown Item icon.png Tackle Box Fishing Supplies ???