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Revision as of 03:14, 10 June 2015 by ShadowTani (talk | contribs) (used notification template, added gamemenu)
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Teddybear icon.png Teddybear
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0,4 kg
Required by: Objects
Proficiencie(s) gained:
1200 Faith & Wisdom icon.png Faith & Wisdom
2780 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
1700 Law & Lore icon.png Law & Lore
2180 Thread & Needle icon.png Thread & Needle
Inspiration Required: 7860
Uses: 2
Inspiration Efficiency:
0.1527 Faith & Wisdom icon.png Faith & Wisdom
0.3537 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
0.2163 Law & Lore icon.png Law & Lore
0.2774 Thread & Needle icon.png Thread & Needle

Flavor Text

Vigilant guardian ever watching for monsters under bed and ghastly ghouls who lurk in dark bedroom corners.


Can be equipped in your left hand.

Players who sleep a full 8 hours holding their Teddy Bear will find that the next time they wake up they will have 1 less madness level. Take note that, as with other activities, time during server downtime or maintenance do not count towards these 8 hours.

'WARNING!' Witches may curse a Teddy Bear. A cursed Teddy Bear will have an opposite effect and cause a player to wake up with more Madness than when they went to bed! {{{2}}}

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Inspirationals (I) ⇒Toys (T) ⇒Teddybear (T)