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Providence icon.png

This article is Legacy content. Providence used to be the main hub of the new world before February 29th, 2024. It is now only accessible to older players.

Bear icon.png Bear
Switch to New Haven
Where found:
Skill required: Big Game Hunting
Blood (health): 50
Liftable or Inventory?: Liftable
NOTE: Items and quantities depend upon skills known.
Item(s) on pickup: unknown (use 'none' if cannot be butchered)
Item(s) gained:
Rare item(s):


Warning! Bears are aggressive and will attack any Pilgrim that wanders to close. They also instill fear which drains Black Bile proportionate to how scared you are.

Butchering yields 11 meat shreds, 9 raw bear cuts, 4 raw bear steaks and 1 brain with all butchering skills.

Note: It is important to skin the bear first, or the butchering will ruin the skin.

Combat Behaviour

Like most animals in Salem, bears use hit-and-run AI, meaning they will aimlessly run around between hits. They have a big hitbox, so it shouldn't be hard to hit them while they move. Damage done by bears causes Fear. They run at the running speed of a player, so outrunning them is difficult. Normal hits do around 10 damage.

Bears also have a couple of special moves:

  • Roar - used outside combat and when enemy is not close enough. Increases fear debuff signifficantly. Best to avoid and stay close to the bear.
  • Stun - bear will stand on hind legs and hammer player with their paws causing 5 damage and short stun. Can be avoided if player moves away fast enough

All bear attacks cause reel and deal increased damage on reeling targets

Needs confirmation - one attack can deal massive damage (25+), however it's hard to tell why and when it's used. I was hit (bit) for over 25 damage after briefly trying to run and having my back turned to the bear.