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Vitis icon.png Vitis
Skill(s) required:
Size: unknown
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: unknown
Required by:
Required by:

How to Grow Grapes

  1. With the Vineyards Skill learned, right-click either Red Grapes icon.png Red Grapes or White Grapes icon.png White Grapes onto the Cornerpost of a Makeshift Fence icon.png Makeshift Fence. This will transform your Cornerpost into a a Red or White Vitis icon.png Vitis depending on the Grape you used.
  2. Every 32 hours your vines will spread onto connected Fence Segments.
  3. Right-click on mature Cornerposts to harvest 1x Grapes, or mature Fence Segments to harvest 4x Grapes.
  4. Grapes can be harvested roughly every 20 hours. Uncommonly when harvesting ripe Grapes you will also receive Curious Grapes icon.png Curious Grapes.