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Out of Town Ballsack
09:12 TotalyMoo No no, pläp = pung längre än penis. Which means "Ballsack longer than penis".
09:13 DullahX o
09:13 TotalyMoo Mine's 5 hours away from me
09:13 milonti ...theres a word for that?
09:13 TotalyMoo Living in another town.
09:13 TotalyMoo Yeah, pläp-
Based on IRC chat, TotalyMoo's ballsack is 5 hours away and lives in another town from him.
Ran Out of Milk
As of 9/6/2012 it has been stated that TotalyMoo ran out of milk. We are not yet sure if this is just a rumor or not. Empirical testing is required.