Silk Runner

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Silk Runner icon.png Silk Runner
Where found:
Skill required: Small Game Hunting
Blood (health): 10
Liftable or Inventory?: Inventory
Item(s) gained:
NOTE: Items and quantities depend upon skills known.
Item(s) on pickup:
Item(s) gained:
Rare item(s):
Silk Runner


A Silk Runner icon.png Silk Runner is typically a non-aggressive Creature which can be found in the Greenwood icon.png Greenwood biome, however, rarely, when picking up an Abandoned Cobweb icon.png Abandoned Cobweb form the Greenwood biome a Silk Runner Spider will jump out and attack you.

Combat Behavior

Attack Blood Damage Effects
Bite icon.png Bite 4
Web Spit icon.png Web Spit 0 Snared icon.png Snared

Silk Runners are non-aggressive so unless provoked Silk Runners will typically not attack. Silk Runners will generally lead with Web Spit icon.png Web Spit which fires very fast and if it connects will cause a pilgrim to become Snared icon.png Snared for about 3 seconds. Silk Runners can use Web Spit 3x times after which it will revert to using Bite icon.png Bite, although they will typically weave in Bites between shots of Web Spit.


NOTE: A Silk Runner will be lost if killed over Shallow Water.

A Silk Runner, once killed, can be picked up and stored in your Inventory as a Dead Silk Runner icon.png Dead Silk Runner. When picking up a Dead Silk Runner there is a chance to receive a Bug in a Blanket icon.png Bug in a Blanket. Although you cannot butcher a Dead Silk Runner you can Boil them in a Clay Pot icon.png Clay Pot or Copper Pot icon.png Copper Pot instead. Boiling a Dead Silk Runner will yield:

or rarely: