Fishmaster 1600

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Fishmaster 1600 icon.png Fishmaster 1600
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 1.00
Required by: Objects


The Fishmaster 1600 icon.png Fishmaster 1600 was once obtained from the Store bought Fisherman's Pack icon.png Fisherman's Pack which is no longer available.

Casting Rods

Equipping a Any Bait icon.png Any Bait to Any Casting Rod icon.png Any Casting Rod allows you to use the Fish icon.png Fish action. The more durable the Rod, and the higher your Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna Proficiency, the slower it will wear and the longer it will last before breaking. At 100% wear your Rod will be break, this will cause Bait still attached to be lost.

Rod Durability Notes
Makeshift Fishing Rod icon.png Makeshift Fishing Rod Low
Fishing Pole icon.png Fishing Pole Medium
Fishmaster 1600 icon.png Fishmaster 1600 High Legacy