Rooting thy Native Oak

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Game Development: Rooting thy Native Oak


Learn Forestry. Strike cuttings from trees. Plant cuttings in pots. Watch them grow, or watch them wither. Plant trees from sprouts by carrying the pot and Right-Clicking the ground where you wish to plant the tree. Trees take about one RL week to grow up.

Claim Upkeep

As of right now claims require upkeep to the tune of 4s + (Claimed Area / 300)s per day. If the upkeep is not paid, the claim is turned off and the stone itself becomes possible to destroy. You can charge the claim with enough silver to last 2 months. Previously existing claims will be charged to last one month.

As we really should have changed this a long time ago -- we've always planned to do it, but never gotten around to it -- we will be generous enough to allow you a one week mortatorium during which you will be able to recover 75% of all invested silver when declaiming (deposits in the bank). If you really want to you can thus reinvest taking this new rule into account. After the next Game Development update declaiming will again imply a complete loss of invested silver.

Saving you from yourselves

Animals no longer attack in Boston.

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