Dark Plague Masque

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Dark Plague Masque icon.png Dark Plague Masque
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required: None
Weight: 0.10
Required by: Objects
Equipment Slot: Face
Artificer Slots: 0
Inventory Slots: None
Thermal: 2


A Dark Plague Masque icon.png Dark Plague Masque could be obtained for a limited time by Supporting the Patch through Salem Store. When worn, a Dark Plague Masque will completely prevent infection by airborne Disease icon.png Disease. Dark Plague Masque can be stored in a Physician's Bag icon.png Physician's Bag or hung on a wall.

Disease Prevention

In most cases the it is possible to avoid infection simply by not inhaling the bad air, however, Zoonotic Diseases can NOT be prevented against.

Method How to Apply Notes
Plague Doctor's Masque icon.png Plague Doctor's Masque Equip to Face slot. Dark Plague Masque icon.png Dark Plague Masque Equip to Face slot. Store bought.
Golden Plague Masque icon.png Golden Plague Masque Equip to Face slot. Loyalty Appreciation item. Miasma Masque icon.png Miasma Masque Equip to Face slot. Store bought.
X-Mas Plague Doctor's Masque icon.png X-Mas Plague Doctor's Masque Equip to Face slot. Developers Item Disease Immunity icon.png Disease Immunity buff. Drinking certain Liquids. Lasts 8 hours.
Silk Hanky icon.png Silk Hanky Equip to left Hand slot. Prevents the spread of your infection to others.