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Revision as of 03:41, 10 January 2020 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Honeycomb icon.png Honeycomb
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: unknown
Required by: Objects


Right-clicking a Destroy icon.png Destroyed working Bee Skep icon.png Bee Skep and selecting "Gather Honey" will give you Honeycomb icon.png Honeycomb.

Right-clicking Honeycomb and selecting "Drain" will give you .1 liters of Honey icon.png Honey and 1x Beeswax icon.png Beeswax. An empty Vessel, or one already containing Honey must be in your inventory when Draining a Honeycomb icon.png Honeycomb, otherwise the Honey will be lost.