Myrtle Oak Tree

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Revision as of 20:23, 22 July 2015 by ShadowTani (talk | contribs) (update)
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Myrtle oak tree icon.png Myrtle Oak Tree
Skill(s) required:
Size: unknown
Object(s) required: None
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: Dig / Flowers & Berries
Repaired with: Can't be Repaired
Required by:
Required by: None


A tree-like bush. They can act as containers for up to 4 items. Abandoned Cobwebs spawn inside them randomly.

Only way of obtaining Myrtle Oak Leaves and Myrtle Oak Acorns, which regenerate within a day or two.

When picking Acorns from a Myrtle Oak Tree there is a chance to get a Majestic Acorn.

Can be dug up and carried to a new location with a Shovel and the skill Flowers & Berries.

With Shrub Orchards, you can plant an Acorn in a pot to plant a new Myrtle Oak Bush.