From Salem Wiki
Template documentation (for the template shown above, sometimes hidden or invisible)
- This is a wrapper-template that calls {{SetProp/single}} to automatically set property values.
- It has a fixed-set of properties it supports, and can be expanded when needed in code...
- Some properties are fit to assign multiple values to, using a sep, but those of type Boolean are obviously not...
- For more documentation on functions used see
- Type the below code on top of a page:
{{SetProp |propname=propvalues |propname=propvalues |... }}
- It supports this optional named-parameter for multi-value propname's:
- sep
- The default separator used in the propvalues to separate single-values from each other.
- It defaults to a comma ','
- sep
Supported propname's
It currently supports these properties in preferred sequence:
- IsGameMenu (Type: Boolean, single-value)
- Will always be set.
- Defaults to 'false'.
- IsinGameMenu (Type: String, multi-value)
- Will always be set.
- Defaults to 'no'.
- Default separator in this case is a ^ when no over-ride is used in sep, be careful this property can use a comma in its valid value!
- Has icon (Type: Page, single-value)
- Only supply the filename, it will automatically prepend the final property-value with
- When not used, it will auto-set this property to
Image:{{SUBPAGENAME}} icon.png
- Only supply the filename, it will automatically prepend the final property-value with
- Caption (Type: Text, single-value)
- Can hold free text.
- Has fullview (Type: Page, single-value)
- Only supply the filename, it will automatically prepend the final property-value with
- Only supply the filename, it will automatically prepend the final property-value with
- RequiresTech (Type: Page, multi-value)
- UnlocksTech (Type: Page, multi-value)
- RequiresObj (Type: String, multi-value)
- RepairedWith (Type: String, multi-value)
- IsLiftable (Type: Boolean, single-value)
- IsLiftableWhenEmpty (Type: Boolean, single-value)
- When used will always be set to 'true', and auto-set IsLiftable='true'.
- Locations (Type: Page, multi-value)
- HP (Type: Number, single-value)
- Soak (Type: Number, single-value)
- Loot (Type: String, multi-value)
- purity (Type: Number, single-value) (No auto calculations done yet)
- This will default to 1.0 when not provided together with Alchemical values or Skills.
- Alchemical values (Type: Number, single-value)
- These can be provided in 2 formats, manual and "record".
- The manual format will only be accepted when no "record" format is being used at all for any of them.
- In "record" format with dot-comma as field separators:
- heals - List the amounts that this object heals your humours, separated by dot-comma's, in sequence as it's been listed in game.
- events1 - List the RED numbers, separated by dot-comma's, in sequence as it's been listed in game.
- events2 - List the GREEN numbers, separated by dot-comma's, in sequence as it's been listed in game.
- events3 - List the BLUE numbers, separated by dot-comma's, in sequence as it's been listed in game.
- events4 - List the YELLOW numbers, separated by dot-comma's, in sequence as it's been listed in game.
- In manual format, single number per propname:
- Skills (Type: Number, single-value)
- These are called Proficiencies ingame.
- If either one of the below Skills are set, then all will be set at same time.
- They will all default to '0', when not given a value explicitly.
- arts = Arts & Crafts
- cloak = Cloak & Dagger
- faith = Faith & Wisdom
- frontier = Frontier & Wilderness
- hammer = Hammer & Nail
- hunting = Hunting & Gathering
- law = Law & Lore
- mines = Mines & Mountains
- pots = Pots & Pans
- sparks = Sparks & Embers
- stocks = Stocks & Cultivars
- sugar = Sugar & Spice
- thread = Thread & Needle
- natural = Natural Philosophy
- perennial = Perennial Philosophy
- RequiredBy (Type: Page, multi-value)
- This will be automatically set using {{SetProp/RequiredBy auto}}, after any eventual manual assignments using this propname.
Copy&Paste code for easy use
- Type the below code at the top of the page, with values assigned to relevant parameters.
- Parameters can be in any order, and not all need to be used, but its preferred to use the ordering above for uniformity.
- The shown parameters are examples and most used.
- You can remove the unused ones if they are not likely to be set for your page.
- See Help:Infobox
See the example(s) in the documentation of {{SetProp/single}}, this template just passes known multi-value properties with their values to it.
Or directly uses {{#set:propname=propvalue}}
for single-value properties.
Visit Template:SetProp/doc to edit this text! (How does this work?)