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                -- UNDER CONSTRUCTION --

Valentine candies are given out on Valentines day, through the Post Master in Providence. Valentine candies work the same way as many other candies (look at the bottom of the page) in the game, they're used as restore foods. It is random which food the Valentine restores.

Example of how random the Valentine can be


There are 5 different Valentine hearts :

Yellow heart - Marp + JC Grandma ; This is supposedly funny because JC claims that MarpTarpton and his grandmother look a lot alike, and he frequently jokes about how good they would be together.

White heart - BBQ BBY ; Looking for forum inside jokes, and asking around for this one still But it seems like its just a ironic pop culture spin on the way that the natives cooked their meat, which the Spanish who explored America called "Barbacoa". This way of cooking is still practiced today in the Americas as barbecue", or in short BBQ. And BBY being a pop culture reference to to Baby.

Pink heart Woodshed2nite ; Reference to a sexual joke one of the NPC's in Providence used to/still makes -working on it-

Salmon heart - Be My Belgear ; This is a reference to a man which MarpTarpton has been seen to fancy, at multiple occasions. This candy was made in honor of the flirtatious behavior between MarpTarpton and Belgear. This Valentine is also handy, since it can be given to Belgear himself in exchange of different sorts of favors Not confirmed.

Green heart - Sexy Pilgrim ; Reference to a old time player who played a lot called Pilgrim -stillbeing worked on-

Other Candies: