Feasting Table

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Revision as of 02:04, 21 September 2014 by Tammer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Structure | Objects required= Knotted Wood Block;4, Plucked Turkey;1, Oiled Board;35, Animal Glue;20, Wooden Plugs;12 | Needs lighting?= | Liftable?=Yes | Hit points= | Soak...")
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Feasting Table icon.png Feasting Table
Skill(s) required:
Size: unknown
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: Yes
Repaired with: unknown
Required by:
Required by: None


A Feasting Table has 45 spaces. You may eat items off a table during a gluttony session.

May only be built inside a structure. Has a footprint of about 1x5 squares.