Large Urn

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Revision as of 09:29, 5 September 2019 by PShrimpy (talk | contribs)
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Large Urn icon.png Large Urn
Skill(s) required:
Size: 1x1
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: Yes
Repaired with: Clay
Required by:
Required by: None


An Unburnt Large Urn icon.png Unburnt Large Urn must be fired in a Lit Kiln icon.png Kiln for about 20 minutes to produce a Large Urn icon.png Large Urn. Clicking on the fully fired Large Urn to remove it from the Kiln, will cause you to automatically Lift it.

A Large Urn is a Container which can hold 14 items in a vertical 2x7 layout. It a smaller footprint than a Wooden Box icon.png Wooden Box and therefore provides more storage per tile.

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Tools (T) ⇒Miscellaneous Tools (M) ⇒Large Urn (U)