Cementation Furnace

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Cementation Furnace icon.png Cementation Furnace
Skill(s) required:
Size: unknown
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: Yes
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: unknown
Required by:
Required by:


A cementation furnace tended over time can produce blister steel.

Put Blister Coffin into the furnace. Light the furnace and keep it lit for 7 days. Remove the finished coffin and leave it to cool on the ground for 1-2 days and you will get either 4 Blistersteel Bars or 4 Dross. The positive result most likely occurs if you make sure the fuel is always around full and you don't leave the bars still in heat after the progress bar is full.

Takes 30 branches to fully fuel the Cementation Furnace, each branch adding 3 to the fuel meter.

Blister coffins take 100 real life minutes per every 1% progress.

Game Menu
Build (B) ⇒Buildings & Structures (B) ⇒Metalworking Structures (M) ⇒Cementation Furnace (?)