Waxen Candle

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Revision as of 08:25, 10 February 2022 by Pistolshrimp (talk | contribs)
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Waxen Candle icon.png Waxen Candle
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.15
Required by: Objects
Proficiencie(s) gained:
400 Faith & Wisdom icon.png Faith & Wisdom
700 Law & Lore icon.png Law & Lore
1100 Sparks & Embers icon.png Sparks & Embers
550 Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy
Inspiration Required: 2750
Uses: 5
Inspiration Efficiency:
0.1455 Faith & Wisdom icon.png Faith & Wisdom
0.2545 Law & Lore icon.png Law & Lore
0.4 Sparks & Embers icon.png Sparks & Embers
0.2 Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy

Flavor Text

The smallest light can pierce the deepest darkness, just as a sliver of hope can pierce the darkest doubts.


Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Inspirationals (I) ⇒Waxen Candle ()