Classic Sofa

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Revision as of 18:19, 20 February 2016 by Kralith (talk | contribs) (Initial Setup)
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Classic Sofa icon.png Classic Sofa
Skill(s) required:
Size: unknown
Object(s) required: None
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: Yes
Repaired with: unknown
Required by:
Required by: None

Shop Text

There are few finer pieces of furniture available to mankind than the luxurious Classic Sofa. Providing support and cushioning the aching muscles of pilgrims, it will wick the worry and pain from any sore body and allow you to ponder the day's events with clarity. The Classic Sofa restores yellow bile over time and restores small amounts of inspiration while being used.

This Item MUST be built inside a house and will decay if managed to be taken outside a house in any way.


Can be bought from the Salem Store for 9.99 USD.