Wartbite Cricket

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Revision as of 11:56, 16 May 2012 by Rewhite (talk | contribs)
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Wartbite Cricket icon.png Wartbite Cricket
Where found: unknown
Skill required: unknown
Blood (health): unknown
Liftable or Inventory?: unknown
Item(s) gained: unknown
NOTE: Items and quantities depend upon skills known.
Item(s) on pickup: unknown (use 'none' if cannot be butchered)
Item(s) gained: unknown (use 'none' if no chance for pickup items)
Rare item(s): unknown (use 'none' if no chance for rare items)
Wartbite Cricket

Crickets are commonly found in the wilderness. They usually spawn in groups.

Once you kill a cricket you simply right-click it to pick up the dead body and place it into your inventory, unlike other creatures whose bodu you must actually lift to carry someplace and cannot place in your inventory.


  • Crickets are actually very tough against a new player. If the only thing you have is Self-Defense and 5 Blood, and you attack it, this thing will K.O. you, and you will lose all your items and re spawn at Boston. You have been warned.