Difference between revisions of "Brick of Fallen Sodom & Gomorrah"

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(Redirected page to Brick of Fallen Sodom)
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#REDIRECT [[Brick of Fallen Sodom]]
| Objects required=Clay;1, Kiln;1
| Arts & Crafts=
| Cloak & Dagger=2000
| Faith & Wisdom=
| Flora & Fauna=
| Hammer & Nail=2000
| Herbs & Sprouts=
| Hunting & Hideworking=
| Law & Lore=
| Mines & Mountains=2000
| Sparks & Embers=4500
| Stocks & Cultivars=1500
| Sugar & Spice=
| Thread & Needle=
| Natural Philosophy=
| Perennial Philosophy=1000
| Uses=1
There is a random chance that [[Clay]] will become a Brick of Fallen Sodom & Gomorrah when fired in a [[Kiln]].
Chances of getting this inspirational is about 1 in 600 clay.
==Flavor Text==
''Scarred, and still reeking of brimstone fallen from on high, and the burning flesh of men.''

Latest revision as of 22:36, 3 April 2022