White Grape Juice

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White Grape Juice icon.png White Grape Juice
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: θ
Required by: Objects
Alternative Acquisition:
Object(s) Required:


.01 liters of White Grape Juice icon.png White Grape Juice are received when Pressing White Grapes icon.png White Grapes and 1L when Pressing Curious Grapes icon.png Curious Grapes, in a Basket Press icon.png Basket Press. White Grape Juice can be stored in a Vessel or Wet Goods Container.

Disease Immunity

Certain Liquids when poured into a Drinking Vessel and equipped to the left Hand slot can be Sipped for a chance to gain a Disease Immunity icon.png Disease Immunity buff which lasts for 8 hours and protects you from all airborne Disease icon.png Disease. This Sip adds 10 to your Quaffed & Quenched icon.png Quaffed & Quenched debuff. This buff can NOT be refreshed with additional Sips.

Liquid Chance
Berry Juice icon.png Berry Juice 100% chance.
Red Grape Juice icon.png Red Grape Juice 10% chance.
White Grape Juice icon.png White Grape Juice 10% chance.

Making Wine

  1. Right-click a Vessel of either Red Grape Juice icon.png Red Grape Juice or White Grape Juice icon.png White Grape Juice on a Cask icon.png Cask to fill it with up to 10L of Grape Juice.
  2. Open your Cask and add the appropriate Wine Ingredients icon.png Wine Ingredients.
  3. Right-click your Cask and select "Seal" to close your Cask for fermentation.
  4. Wait about 24 hours for for your Grape Juice to ferment into Wine icon.png Wine.
  5. Once your Wine has fermented right-click your Cask and select "Pop Seal".
  6. Select on a Vessel on your Cask to recover your Wine.