Berry Juice

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Berry Juice icon.png Berry Juice
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: θ
Required by: Objects


.01 liters of Berry Juice icon.png Berry Juice are received when dehydrating Any Berries icon.png Any Berries for 1 hour in a Steam Distiller icon.png Steam Distiller. Berry Juice can be stored in a Vessel or Wet Goods Container.

Disease Immunity

Disease Immunity

Certain Liquids when poured into a Drinking Vessel and equipped to the left Hand slot can be Sipped for a chance to gain a Disease Immunity icon.png Disease Immunity buff which lasts for 8 hours and protects you from all airborne Disease icon.png Disease. This Sip adds 10 to your Quaffed & Quenched icon.png Quaffed & Quenched debuff. This buff can NOT be refreshed with additional Sips.

Liquid Chance
Berry Juice icon.png Berry Juice 100% chance.
Red Grape Juice icon.png Red Grape Juice 10% chance.
White Grape Juice icon.png White Grape Juice 10% chance.

How to Dehydrate

  1. With the Steam Distillation Skill learned, open your Alchemy Table icon.png Alchemy Table.
  2. Place up to 5x Steam Distiller icon.png Steam Distillers inside your Alchemy Table.
  3. Open each Steam Distiller.
  4. Inside each Steam Distiller place a Glass Vial icon.png Glass Vial and your Dehydrate-able item.
  5. After the specified amount of time, your Glass Vial will be filled with .01 liters of the appropriate liquid and your item replaced with a Dehydrated version.

NOTE: While your liquid will remain, Dehydrated items will eventually disappear if not removed from the Steam Distiller.

Disease Prevention

In most cases the it is possible to avoid infection simply by not inhaling the bad air, however, Zoonotic Diseases can NOT be prevented against.

Method How to Apply Notes
Plague Doctor's Masque icon.png Plague Doctor's Masque Equip to Face slot. Dark Plague Masque icon.png Dark Plague Masque Equip to Face slot. Store bought.
Golden Plague Masque icon.png Golden Plague Masque Equip to Face slot. Loyalty Appreciation item. Miasma Masque icon.png Miasma Masque Equip to Face slot. Store bought.
X-Mas Plague Doctor's Masque icon.png X-Mas Plague Doctor's Masque Equip to Face slot. Developers Item Disease Immunity icon.png Disease Immunity buff. Drinking certain Liquids. Lasts 8 hours.
Silk Hanky icon.png Silk Hanky Equip to left Hand slot. Prevents the spread of your infection to others.