Yellow Corn

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Yellow Corn icon.png Yellow Corn
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0
Required by: Objects


Yellow Corn icon.png Yellow Corn is the product of a mature first tier Corn icon.png Corn Harvest and additionally can be used to plant more Corn. Using the Mill Flour icon.png Mill Flour recipe with 25x Yellow Corn on a Grindstone icon.png Grindstone, Copper Grinder icon.png Copper Grinder, or Windmill icon.png Windmill will produce 2.00 kilograms of Yellow Cornmeal icon.png Yellow Cornmeal. Pressing 20x Yellow Corn in a Press icon.png Press will produce 1 liter of Yellow-corn Oil icon.png Yellow-corn Oil. Yellow Corn can be stored in a Seed Pouch.