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Torch icon.png Torch
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.50
Required by: Objects


A Torch icon.png Torch is a Tool which can be held in either the right or left hand slot and is also an Ignitable Item. A Torch is also a Secondary Source of Fire, so structures such as a Fireplace icon.png Fireplace can be lit from it. To light a Torch right-click it on a source of Fire icon.png Fire or equip it and right-click Flint & Steel icon.png Flint & Steel or a Tinder Drill icon.png Tinder Drill on it. To light things from a Torch right-click it onto an Ignitable Structure or Item. A Torch will remain lit so long as it is equipped or while being held by your cursor, moving it to your Inventory will cause it to be immediately extinguished. Lighting a Torch immediately consumes 7% of it's max fuel, so any Torch with less than 8% of fuel cannot be lit. A fully fueled Torch will burn through all its fuel after about 30 minutes. If a Torch runs out of fuel it isn't destroyed, but will need to be refueled. A Torch can be refueled at any time by selecting Any Tinder icon.png Any Tinder and right-clicking it onto the Torch. Each lit Torch you hold will increase your Thermal by 50x points and will raise your Body Temperature and helps prevent Hypothermia icon.png Hypothermia. A Torch can be carried in a Toolbelt, or stored in a Wooden Toolbox icon.png Wooden Toolbox.

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Tools (T) ⇒Torch (T)