Tenderfoot Refresher

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Tenderfoot Refresher icon.png Tenderfoot Refresher
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.35
Required by: Objects


A Tenderfoot Refresher icon.png Tenderfoot Refresher is obtained in the Store bought Noobie Pack icon.png Noobie Pack. A Tenderfoot Refresher is a Refresher Potion with 10x uses which restores 10,000 points of Inspiration for each Gulp. A Tenderfoot Refresher can be stored on a Potion Rack icon.png Potion Rack.

Refresher Potions

Right-clicking a Refresher Potion and selecting "Gulp" will consume one of its uses and instantly restores a certain amount Inspiration points. This amount is determined by the potion and the drinker's Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy. Each Gulp adds 10 to your Quaffed & Quenched icon.png Quaffed & Quenched debuff.

Potion Uses Inspiration per Gulp
Butterbug Refresher icon.png Butterbug Refresher 3 2,000
Fishguts & Rot Refresher icon.png Fishguts & Rot Refresher 3 20,000
Rubbery Mescaline Refresher icon.png Rubbery Mescaline Refresher 3 50,000
Snake Oil icon.png Snake Oil 3 1
Sweet'n'Thorny Refresher icon.png Sweet'n'Thorny Refresher 3 250,000
Tenderfoot Refresher icon.png Tenderfoot Refresher 10 10,000