Sparrow Eggs

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Sparrow Eggs icon.png Sparrow Eggs
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.06
Required by: Objects


Sparrow Eggs icon.png Sparrow Eggs found by chance when Rummaging in an Abandoned Bird's Nest icon.png Abandoned Bird's Nest. The Purity of the Tree icon.png Tree the Abandoned Bird's Nest came from will transfer onto the Sparrow Eggs. Sparrow Eggs restores the Nuts and Seeds icon.png Nuts and Seeds Food Group by 15% with a 80% when used as Any Poultry Egg icon.png Any Poultry Egg in a Food recipe. Sparrow Eggs can be boiled in a Clay Pot icon.png Clay Pot, or Copper Pot icon.png Copper Pot, or Cauldron icon.png Cauldron to make a Hardboiled Egg icon.png Hardboiled Egg. Sparrow Eggs can be stored in an Egg Basket icon.png Egg Basket.

Raw Egg Yolks

Right-clicking on Any Poultry Egg icon.png Any Poultry Egg and selecting "Crack Shell" will give you Raw Egg Yolks icon.png Raw Egg Yolks and an Egg Shell icon.png Egg Shell. An empty Vessel, or one already containing Raw Egg Yolks, must be in your Inventory when Cracking Any Poultry Egg, otherwise the Raw Egg Yolks will be lost. When cracked, Sparrow Eggs yields .05 liters of Raw Egg Yolks.