Smelling Salts

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Smelling Salts icon.png Smelling Salts
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.02
Required by: Objects
Alternative Acquisition:
Object(s) Required:


If you have Land Legs icon.png Land Legs each time you right-click Smelling Salts icon.png Smelling Salts and select "Sniff", there is a chance to cure the Disease icon.png Disease. For advanced cases of Land Legs you may need to Sniff multiple Smelling Salts. Sniffing Smelling Salts does .2 damage to your Black Bile and adds a small amount of Insanity.

Antler Salts

Using the Smelling Salts icon.png Smelling Salts recipe and the appropriate Any Antler icon.png Any Antler on any Grindstone icon.png Grindstone will create 9x Antler Salts. Antler Salts can be stored in a Physician's Bag icon.png Physician's Bag.

Antler Salt
Antlers of Furfur icon.png Antlers of Furfur Satan Salts icon.png Satan Salts
Deer Antlers icon.png Deer Antlers Smelling Salts icon.png Smelling Salts
Jackalope Antlers icon.png Jackalope Antlers Smelling Salts icon.png Smelling Salts

Disease Treatment

Once a Disease icon.png Disease is Diagnosed, it can be treated with the appropriate medication. It may take more than one dose of the medication to cure the Disease, especially if the Disease has progressed particular far, or the wrong cure has been taken. CAUTION: Taking any cure will do .2 damage to the corresponding Humour. While small it is possible to become Knocked Out in this way.

Disease Main Symptom Cure How to Apply Humour Damaged
Big Pox icon.png Big Pox Coughing Willowbark Tonic icon.png Willowbark Tonic Sip. Phlegm
Frontier Flux icon.png Frontier Flux Vomiting Columbine Paste icon.png Columbine Paste Right-click and select "Eat". Yellow Bile
Land Legs icon.png Land Legs Dizziness Smelling Salts icon.png Smelling Salts Right-click and select "Sniff". Black Bile
Maroon Fever icon.png Maroon Fever Headache Leech icon.png Leech Equip to Torso slot and let it drain Blood. Blood

Destroying A Turkey Coop

A Turkey Coop icon.png Turkey Coop can't be Destroy icon.png Destroyed by normal means, but requires the use of Smelling Salts icon.png Smelling Salts. To Destroy a Turkey Coop select Smelling Salts right-click them on the Turkey Coop. You will first need to use enough Smelling Salts to lower the Turkey Coop's Purity to 0, after that, each subsequent Smelling Salt added will deal damage. Each Smelling Salt added reduces the Purity by 0.50 or deals 20% of damage.

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Potions & Medicine (O) ⇒Smelling Salts (S)