Silicate Compound

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Silicate Compound icon.png Silicate Compound
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 5.00
Required by: Objects


Sands are used to make Glass Pane icon.png Glass Panes. To make a Glass Plane, mix together 12x Sand icon.png Sand and 12x Black Sand icon.png Black Sand using the Silicate Compound icon.png Silicate Compound recipe. Silicate Compound can then be melted down into a Glass Pane in a lit Crucible icon.png Crucible. When using a Crucible there is a chance to receive a Prince Rupert's Drop icon.png Prince Rupert's Drop in addition to the item you are crafting.

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Processing & Materials (P) ⇒Silicate Compound (S)