Rotten Fruit

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Rotten Fruit icon.png Rotten Fruit
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: θ
Required by: Objects


CAUTION! Eating Rotten Fruit adds a good bit of Insanity.

Any Fruit icon.png Any Fruit, if not used within a few days of being Picked, will become Rotten Fruit icon.png Rotten Fruit. Rotten Fruit cannot be planted. CAUTION: Eating Rotten Fruit will do a large amount of damage to all your Humours and adds a good bit of Insanity.


Rotten Fruit is a Fertilizer icon.png Fertilizer which will add to a Till Field icon.png Tilled Field's Influence and Speed.

Fertilizer gain per usage step:
Step Speed Influence
01: 180% 108%
02: 90% 54%
03: 60% 36%
04: 45% 27%
05: 36% 21%
06: 30% 18%
07: 25% 15%
08: 22% 13%
09: 20% 12%
10: 18% 10%
TOTAL IN 10 USES: 526% Speed, 314‬% Influence

NOTE: Values for Influence are factored with the bonus from having learned Three-field System.

Throwing Food at Criminals

With the Sanctioned Mortification Skill learned and a Tomato icon.png Tomatoes, Rotten Fruit icon.png Rotten Fruit, or Unknown Item icon.png Horse Manure in your Inventory, right-clicking on any of the Stocks which a criminal is locked up in, gives you the option to "Throw Food" at them. Throwing food at a criminal adds to their Full and Fed Up icon.png Full and Fed Up debuff.

Food Full & Fed Up Added Justice Points
Big Red icon.png Big Red 4:00 - 8:00 75
Rotten Fruit icon.png Rotten Fruit 0:20 - 1:00 4
Tomato icon.png Tomato 0:05 - 0:15 1