Nationalist Jersey

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Nationalist Jersey icon.png Nationalist Jersey
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required: None
Weight: 0.40
Required by: Objects
Equipment Slot: Torso
Artificer Slots: 1
Inventory Slots: None
Thermal: 4


Nationalist Jersey icon.png Nationalist Jerseys were given out to for participating in the 2016, 2017, and 2018 Superball events. Additionally pilgrims could vote for the winning team by betting a Gaming Token icon.png Gaming Token. The winning team was decided by whichever team was bet on by most pilgrims who had learned the Lucky skill. Pilgrims who bet on winning team were given additional Jerseys. A Nationalist Jersey can be hung on a wall.

Participation Jerseys

Winning Jerseys

Superball Set

While not a full Set, related items are: