Mystery Furniture Crate

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Mystery Furniture Crate icon.png Mystery Furniture Crate
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required: None
Weight: 2.00
Required by: Objects
Mystery Furniture Crate

Store Information

Leave the monks their austere trappings and draconic empty halls. What is a home without homely furniture to a pilgrim with comfortable tastes and sensibilities? No longer must you live in a crypt with the furniture provided in a Mystery Furniture Crate! Order yours today and fine yourself the proud owner of a special object made to help your house feel like a home. WARNING: Most Items in this pack MUST be placed inside a home!


A Mystery Furniture Crate icon.png Mystery Furniture Crate can be bought from the Salem Store for $7.99 USD. Store Bought furniture can be initially placed by removing the item from its box into your Inventory and right-clicking on it. This will bring up a ghost of the item's layout which can the be clicked to place. When opened a Mystery Furniture Crate may contain any one of the items of furniture below.

Package May Contain:

Furniture Benefit
Classic Sofa icon.png Classic Sofa Regenerate Inspiration.
Grandfather Clock icon.png Grandfather Clock Tells the exact time in Salem.
Map Desk icon.png Map Desk Holds 200x New World Survey icon.png New World Surveys.
Nightstand icon.png Nightstand Displays ground graphic of one item.
Red Throne icon.png Red Throne Decorative Chair.
Rocking Chair icon.png Rocking Chair Decorative Chair.
Small Dresser icon.png Small Dresser Container with 72x spaces.
Writing Desk icon.png Writing Desk Holds 100x Paper icon.png Paper.