New World Survey

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New World Survey icon.png New World Survey
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.01
Required by: Objects


When you craft and name a New World Survey icon.png New World Survey, you can open it to see the location in relation to various landmarks in Salem, the New World Survey was crafted, marked with a Red X on the Salem Dev Map.

You may store New World Surveys in the Pirate Captain's Sash icon.png Pirate Captain's Sash, or a Map Desk icon.png Map Desk. A New World Survey can also be hung on a wall.


Once per character, a pilgrim is only allowed to use a New World Survey to teleport to the marked location. To do this, right click on either Luigi the Laudable or Clarkson the Curious in Providence and then select the New World Survey from your inventory. However, make sure the location is outside area covered by a Stake Claim icon.png Stake Claim or Town Bell icon.png Town Bell's claim, otherwise the New World Survey won't work. This is a great way to get a friend to your Town or base quickly.

Clarkson the Curious, and his fellow explorer Luigi the Laudable, are located in Providence's Town Square by the Church, the Postmaster, and Mr. Puggles on the path to Mr. Morgans Estate Planning at the Swan Point Cemetery.

Even after you have used your one teleport, New World Surveys can be used to keep track of important locations.

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒New World Survey (N)