Knife Blade

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Knife Blade icon.png Knife Blade
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.10
Required by: Objects


This recipe will make 2x Knife Blade icon.png Knife Blades. A Knife Blade can be combined with either a Knife Hilt icon.png Knife Hilt to make a Butcher Knife icon.png Butcher Knife or a Hunting Knife Hilt icon.png Hunting Knife Hilt to make a Hunting Knife icon.png Hunting Knife

Meat and Knife Purity

A Knife will take on the Purity of the Bar of Pig Iron icon.png Bar of Pig Iron used to make its Knife Blade icon.png Knife Blade. The Purity of your Knife will transfer directly onto the Meat you receive when Butchering a Creature while your Knife is equipped.

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Tools (T) ⇒Knife Blade (K)