Golden Goose

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Golden Goose icon.png Golden Goose
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 36.00
Required by: Objects


Rarely a Turkey Egg icon.png Turkey Egg laid by a Fertile Turkey Hen icon.png Fertile Turkey Hen will hatch into a Golden Goose icon.png Golden Goose. A Golden Goose will lay Golden Egg icon.png Golden Eggs instead of Turkey Eggs. Right-clicking a Golden Goose and selecting "Wring Neck", or simply letting one starve, will give you a Dead Golden Goose icon.png Dead Golden Goose. Wringing the Neck of a Turkey adds a small amount of Insanity. You probably shouldn't do this.

Protecting Your Turkeys During a Break

Turkey icon.png Turkeys quickly starve to death when left alone for extended periods of time. While Wild Turkeys can be easily replaced Fertile Turkey Hen icon.png Fertile Turkey Hens, Golden Goose icon.png Golden Gooses, and high Purity Domesticated Turkeys are significantly harder. One method for prolonging the life-span of your Turkeys when taking a break is to build each Turkey it's own Turkey Coop icon.png Turkey Coop and fill it completely with food. As only one Turkey will be eating from that food supply it should last significantly longer.