Dried Long Ear

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Dried Long Ear icon.png Dried Long Ear
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.10
Required by: Objects
Proficiencie(s) gained:
250 Cloak & Dagger icon.png Cloak & Dagger
950 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
750 Hunting & Hideworking icon.png Hunting & Hideworking
970 Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts
800 Thread & Needle icon.png Thread & Needle
200 Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy
Inspiration Required: 3920
Uses: 1
Inspiration Efficiency:
0.0638 Cloak & Dagger icon.png Cloak & Dagger
0.2423 Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna
0.1913 Hunting & Hideworking icon.png Hunting & Hideworking
0.2474 Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts
0.2041 Thread & Needle icon.png Thread & Needle
0.051 Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy

Flavor Text

It used to hear every sound from Old Mother England all the way to distant Cathay.


A Raw Long Ear icon.png Raw Long Ear can be Dried on a Drying Frame icon.png Drying Frame to make a Dried Long Ear icon.png Dried Long Ear.