Debased Silver Coins

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Debased Silver Coins icon.png Debased Silver Coins
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0
Required by: Objects

Minting Coins

Formerly, with the Silversmithing Skill learned, a Silver Bar icon.png Silver Bar can be minted into 250x Silver Pieces icon.png Silver Pieces using the Silver Coins icon.png Silver Coins recipe. As these Coins are pure Silver, this is not a Crime. However, with the Debasement Skill learned, mixing a Silver Bar with a Bar of Any Metal icon.png Bar of Any Metal using the Debased Silver Coins icon.png Debased Silver Coins recipe, to make 500x Silver Pieces. As these coins are not pure Silver this IS a Crime and will leave a Evidence Forgery.png Forgery Scent.

Skill Silver Pieces Crime?
Silversmithing icon.png Silversmithing 250 No
Debasement icon.png Debasement 500 Yes

Game Menu
Craft (C) ⇒Processing & Materials (P) ⇒Debased Silver Coins (D)