Cross-Shaped Wood Splinter

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Cross-Shaped Wood Splinter icon.png Cross-Shaped Wood Splinter
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.35
Required by: Objects
Proficiencie(s) gained:
1400 Faith & Wisdom icon.png Faith & Wisdom
1250 Hammer & Nail icon.png Hammer & Nail
150 Hunting & Hideworking icon.png Hunting & Hideworking
950 Law & Lore icon.png Law & Lore
700 Perennial Philosophy icon.png Perennial Philosophy
Inspiration Required: 4450
Uses: 1
Inspiration Efficiency:
0.3146 Faith & Wisdom icon.png Faith & Wisdom
0.2809 Hammer & Nail icon.png Hammer & Nail
0.0337 Hunting & Hideworking icon.png Hunting & Hideworking
0.2135 Law & Lore icon.png Law & Lore
0.1573 Perennial Philosophy icon.png Perennial Philosophy

Flavor Text

Muscles aching from hard days of harder labor, waiting and longing for the rain.


A Cross-Shaped Wood Splinter icon.png Cross-Shaped Wood Splinter is received by chance when Chopping down any Tree icon.png Tree. Finding a Cross-Shaped Wood Splinter removes a large amount of Insanity.