Birch Bark

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Birch Bark icon.png Birch Bark
Skill(s) required:
Object(s) required:
Weight: 0.08
Required by: Objects


With the Bark Gathering Skill learned, Birch Bark icon.png Birch Bark can be harvested by right-clicking a Birch Tree icon.png Birch Tree and selecting "Peel Bark". Birch Bark can be boiled in a Clay Pot icon.png Clay Pot or Copper Pot icon.png Copper Pot to make Soaked Bark icon.png Soaked Bark and Tanning Fluid icon.png Tanning Fluid. Birch Bark can be stored in a Stockbin icon.png Stockbin. While Birch Bark will eventually re-grow, it is generally much faster to Chop down your Birch Tree and re-Plant it.