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Mayapple icon.png Mayapple
Where found:
Weight: 0.06
Required by: Objects
Alternative Acquisition:
Object(s) Required:
Proficiencie(s) gained:
630 Arts & Crafts icon.png Arts & Crafts
550 Faith & Wisdom icon.png Faith & Wisdom
1425 Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts
910 Stocks & Cultivars icon.png Stocks & Cultivars
670 Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy
Inspiration Required: 4185
Uses: 1
Inspiration Efficiency:
0.1505 Arts & Crafts icon.png Arts & Crafts
0.1314 Faith & Wisdom icon.png Faith & Wisdom
0.3405 Herbs & Sprouts icon.png Herbs & Sprouts
0.2174 Stocks & Cultivars icon.png Stocks & Cultivars
0.1601 Natural Philosophy icon.png Natural Philosophy

Flavor Text

Foreign and familiar, the backdrop of blank canvas dotted with a splash of eccentricity yielding beauty and sustenance.


A Mayapple can be found in the Shrub icon.png Shrub biome, or, with the Floriculture Skill learned, grown by Planting another Mayapple icon.png Mayapple in a Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot. Picking Any Flower icon.png Any Flowers from the wild or Planting them in Gardening Pots lowers Insanity. You may receive a Drone Bee icon.png Drone Bee or Queen Bee icon.png Queen Bee when Picking Any Flower from the wild. A Mayapple can be stored in a Flower Sack icon.png Flower Sack.