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Tree icon.png Tree
Skill(s) required: None
Size: Varies (1x1)
Object(s) required:
Needs lighting?: No
Liftable?: No
Repaired with: Can't be Repaired
Required by:
Required by:


Most basic Tree icon.png Trees can be found commonly in the wild, or, with the Forestry Skill learned, planted using the appropriate Cutting icon.png Cutting. Right-clicking a Tree will give you a variety of options in which to gather resources. With the exception of Cuttings basic Trees will regrow their resources in roughly 23 to 60 hours. Except where noted these actions may also apply to non-basic Trees.


With the Lore of The Lumberwoods Skill learned and Any Axe icon.png Any Axe equipped, right-clicking on a Tree and selecting "Chop" will Chop down the Tree to produce a Log icon.png Log. Logs shatter into Woodblock icon.png Woodblocks when falling DIRECTLY onto Structures. If you stand directly under a falling Log you will take Blood Damage. When Chopping down a Tree there is a chance to receive a Cross-Shaped Wood Splinter icon.png Cross-Shaped Wood Splinter or to find an Abandoned Bird's Nest icon.png Abandoned Bird's Nest below you. When a Tree is Chopped down it leaves a Tree Stump icon.png Tree Stump behind.

Peel Bark

With the Bark Gathering Skill learned, the appropriate Bark can be harvested by right-clicking a Birch Tree icon.png Birch Tree or Willow Tree icon.png Willow Tree and selecting "Peel Bark".

Pick Branch

Right-clicking a Tree and selecting "Pick Branches" will give you Branch icon.png Branches and by chance, a Broken Bough icon.png Broken Bough, or from a Willow Tree, a Willow Switch icon.png Willow Switch instead. There is no limit to how many Branches can be collected from a Tree, you will simply Pick until you reach your max Encumbrance, run out of Phlegm, or click away.

Pick Leaves & Gather Duff

Right-clicking either a Grand Maple Tree icon.png Grand Maple Trees or Red Maple Tree icon.png Red Maple Tree and selecting "Pick Leaves" will allow you harvest a Maple Leaf icon.png Maple Leaf and occasionally a Perfect Autumn Leaf icon.png Perfect Autumn Leaf. Oak Duff icon.png Oak Duff and occasionally a Squirrel Stash icon.png Squirrel Stash can be gathered from an Oak Tree icon.png Oak Tree by right-clicking it and selecting "Search Duff".

Strike Cutting

With the Forestry Skill learned and Any Axe icon.png Any Axe equipped, right-clicking on some Tree icon.png Trees will give you the option to "Strike Cutting". Selecting this option will give you up to 2x of the apprioptiate Cutting icon.png Cutting. The higher your Flora & Fauna icon.png Flora & Fauna Proficiency at the time of Striking a Cutting, the less your Cutting will become a Branch icon.png Branch when planted in a Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot. Cuttings do NOT re-grow.

Tree Actions Tree Actions Tree Actions
Apple Tree icon.png Apple Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Pick Fruit
Birch Tree icon.png Birch Tree
  • Chop
  • Peel Bark
  • Pick Branch
  • Strike Cutting
Cherry Tree icon.png Cherry Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Pick Fruit
Chestnut Tree icon.png Chestnut Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Pick Nuts
Eagle Tree icon.png Eagle Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
Elm Tree icon.png Elm Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Strike Cutting
Grand Maple Tree icon.png Grand Maple Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Pick Leaves
  • Strike Cutting
Hangman Tree icon.png Hangman Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • L3wt
Hickory Tree icon.png Hickory Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Pick Nuts
Mulberry Tree icon.png Mulberry Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Pick Fruit
Myrtle oak tree icon.png Myrtle Oak Tree
  • Open
  • Pick Nuts
  • Pick Leaves
  • Uproot
Oak Tree icon.png Oak Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Search Duff
  • Strike Cutting
Peach Tree icon.png Peach Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Pick Fruit
Pear Tree icon.png Pear Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Pick Fruit
Persimmon Tree icon.png Persimmon Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Pick Fruit
Plum Tree icon.png Plum Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Pick Fruit
Red Maple Tree icon.png Red Maple Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Pick Leaves
  • Strike Cutting
Snozberry Tree icon.png Snozberry Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Pick Fruit
Spruce Tree icon.png Spruce Tree
  • Chop
  • Gather Spruce Cone
  • Pick Branch
Walnut Tree icon.png Walnut Tree
  • Chop
  • Pick Branch
  • Pick Nuts
Willow Tree icon.png Willow Tree
  • Chop
  • Peel Bark
  • Pick Branch
  • Strike Cutting
WARNING: Trees Chopped down in the Darkness icon.png Darkness have a chance to spawn a Lumberlord icon.png Lumberlord in its place.
CAUTION: Trees planted on the Greenwood icon.png Greenwood Biome have a chance to become a Hangman Tree icon.png Hangman Tree when the Seasons change.
The bountiful birch.

Birch Tree

The efficacious elm.

Elm Tree

The grand maple.

Grand Maple Tree

Gives Gives Gives
Rares Rares Rares
The offensive oak.

Oak Tree

The magnanimous maple.

Red Maple Tree

The weeping willow.

Willow Tree

Gives Gives Gives
Rares Rares Rares

Exploration Event Trees

Exploration Event Trees are Tree icon.png Trees which rarely spawn in certain biomes after a Season change. When spawned, an Exploration Event Tree will replace an existing Tree. Right clicking an Exploration Event Tree will give you a variety of options in which to gather resources. Once harvested Exploration Event Tree will cannot be harvested again. Eagle Tree icon.png Eagle Trees spawn in the Coniferous icon.png Coniferous biome, while Hangman Tree icon.png Hangman Tree spawns in the Greenwood icon.png Greenwood biome. A Hanging Man Tree is a Witnessed Insanity event; seeing an un-L3wted Hangman Tree will add a large amount of Insanity.

Witnessed Insanity

Witnessed Insanity is Insanity which is gained by doing insane actions. When witness insane things you will gain Insanity each time you come into range of that thing. This means the same event can cause you to gain a lot of Insanity if you continue to leave and come back to the same area without dealing with the thing causing you to gain Insanity.


With the Lore of The Lumberwoods Skill learned and Any Axe icon.png Any Axe equipped, right-clicking on an Exploration Event Tree and selecting "Chop" will Chop down the Tree to produce a Hollow Log icon.png Hollow Log. When an Exploration Event Tree is Chopped down it leaves a Hollow Stump icon.png Hollow Stump behind. When Chopped down an Eagle Tree will produce an Eagle Nest icon.png Eagle Nest. Right-clicking an Eagle Nest and selecting "Raid Nest" will give you a variable amount of Eagle Egg icon.png Eagle Eggs and Eagle Feather icon.png Eagle Feathers.


With the Larceny Skill learned, right-clicking specifically on the Hanging Man on a Hangman Tree and selecting "L3wt" will give you an Evidence of Royal Conspiracy icon.png Evidence of Royal Conspiracy. L3wting a Hangman is NOT a Crime and therefor will NOT leave Evidence or Scents. L3wting a Hangman Tree will remove the body and it will no longer cause you to gain Insanity.

The eager Eagle.

Eagle Tree

The handsome Hangman.

Hangman Tree

Gives Gives
Rares Rares

Fruit Trees

Fruit Trees are Tree icon.png Trees which Any Fruit icon.png Any Fruit can be harvest from. With the Fruit Orchards Skill learned, Any Fruit can be planted in a Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot to produce the corresponding Nut Tree. Once planted, Fruit Trees cycle through three distinct phases: A Dormant Stage, a Blossoming Stage, and a Ripe Stage. A Fruit Tree spends each Coldsnap icon.png Coldsnap and begins each Everbloom icon.png Everbloom in the Dormant Stage. At a point determined by chance, during an Everbloom, a Fruit Tree will transition into the Blossoming stage, denoted by flowers blossoming on the Tree. If a Fruit Tree is Pollinated during this stage it will switch to the Ripe Stage. Right-clicking a Fruit Tree will give you a variety of options in which to gather resources.

Pick Fruit

Right-clicking on a Fruit Tree and selecting "Pick Fruit" will give you the corresponding Fruit.

The aromatic Apple.

Apple Tree

The cheery Cherry.

Cherry Tree

The multifarious Mulberry.

Mulberry Tree

The peaceful Peach.

Peach Tree

Gives Gives Gives Gives
Rares Rares Rares Rares
The peculiar Pear.

Pear Tree

The pervasive Persimmon.

Persimmon Tree

The plucky Plum.

Plum Tree

The snooty Snozberry.

Snozberry Tree

Gives Gives Gives Gives
Rares Rares Rares Rares

Nut Trees

Nut Trees are Tree icon.png Trees which Any Nuts icon.png Any Nuts can be harvest from. Most Nut Trees can be found in the wild, or, with the Nut Orchards Skill learned, Any Nut can be planted in a Gardening Pot icon.png Gardening Pot to produce the corresponding Nut Tree. Right-clicking a Nut Tree will give you a variety of options in which to gather resources. Nut Trees will regrow their resources in roughly 23 to 60 hours. Unlike other Trees a Myrtle oak tree icon.png Myrtle Oak Tree cannot be Chopped but rather must be Destroy icon.png Destroyed. This will scatter a few Woodblock icon.png Woodblock at the same Purity as the Myrtle Oak Tree on the ground.

Gather Spruce Cones & Pick Acorns & Pick Nuts

Right-clicking on a Nut Tree and selecting "Pick Nuts" will give you the corresponding Nut with the exception of Myrtle Oak Trees and Spruce Tree icon.png Spruce Trees where the actions "Gather Spruce Cone" and "Pick Acorns" are used instead. A Majestic Acorn icon.png Majestic Acorn may be received rarely when Picking Acorns from a Myrtle Oak Tree.


A Myrtle Oak Tree is a Natural Container with 4 slots which can be Opened by right-clicking and selecting "Open". As long as there is at least one empty space, each time a Myrtle Oak Tree is loaded from the server there is a chance for either an Abandoned Cobweb icon.png Abandoned Cobweb or Caterpillar icon.png Caterpillar to spawn inside.

Pick Leaves

Right-clicking a Myrtle Oak Tree and selecting "Pick Leaves" will allow you harvest a few Myrtle Oak Leaves icon.png Myrtle Oak Leaves.


With the Flowers & Berries Skill learned and Any Shovel icon.png Any Shovel equipped, right-clicking a Myrtle Oak Tree and selecting "Uproot" will automatically Lift icon.png Lift it. The speed you Uproot a Myrtle Oak Tree is influenced by your Soil Digging Artifacts Bonus. Right-click on the ground to re-plant it.

The captivating Chestnut.

Chestnut Tree

The humongous Hickory.

Hickory Tree

The Bush that count as a tree.

Myrtle Oak Tree

Gives Gives Gives
Rares Rares Rares
The stout Spruce.

Spruce Tree

The wayward Walnut.

Walnut Tree

Gives Gives
Rares Rares